Saturday, March 12, 2011

Extreme WOW!

It used to look like this, honest!
But now, wow!
I’ve already wrote about two kits from Extreme Sportscars, and concluded that the Extreme 360 is one of the best there are. There is one that is better yet, and it comes from the same company - the Extreme Murci.

If you think I am favoring this company, I’m not. I just need yet to see a better kit. I’m not saying that there aren’t any out there, I’m just saying that I haven’t seen any. But it would take quite a lot of persuasion to even skew my mind a bit about this one. Park it next to the Lamborghini Murcielago, one of the motoring finest, and you know what - you will be hard pressed to spot a difference. Like with all replicas, you will be able to spot wheel spacers and small brakes and yes, the interior won’t be the Lamborghini one, but besides that, you know what else is different? The exhaust muffler tips protrude a bit more than on the original. That’s it! Seriously! It’s an exact replica! No one would be able to guess that, underneath; it’s just a Mk2 Toyota MR2!

Now, it probably sounds weird that such a small car can be a decent donor for the Murcielago replica. And it is. That’s why they stretched the small Toyota quite a lot. The representative car also had its 2 liter engine tuned to 400bhp (not something I would do, especially if driving it every day - a V6 swap would be much better choice for me, thank you very much). But still, man, it looks real!

All that work does come at a price though, and this isn’t really cheap bit of kit. Still, it’s cheap to drive, and ways cheaper to make than to buy even the cheapest second-hand original. It still drives like a Toyota, but you will sure look good while driving it.

Oh, and one more thing, did I say how good it looks already?

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